Thursday 4th August 2016 saw the first of what we hope will be regular markets outside the front of the hospital building. It's an ideal use of the forecourt space and adds interest to The Avenue for residents and visitors alike. We aim to have a variety of producers and vendors and, where possible, live music too.
Markets will be held on Thursdays and Saturdays and the dates for future markets will be announced here and on our Facebook page. During Augst there might be some gaps as many stall holders are already committed to events booked some time agi.
Watch this space and if you're interested in having a stall please contact Philippa Buckley on 07885 647076
Markets will be held on Thursdays and Saturdays and the dates for future markets will be announced here and on our Facebook page. During Augst there might be some gaps as many stall holders are already committed to events booked some time agi.
Watch this space and if you're interested in having a stall please contact Philippa Buckley on 07885 647076
A few photos from the market on 4/8/16